4.8-inch iPhone 6 Might Not Be Enough!
Analysts and enthusiasts alike are clamoring for a 2014 iPhone 6 with a 4.8-inch display — and more of them are convinced that that they will finally get the big screen that they’ve wished for. As far back as the release of the iPhone 4S, iPhone users have lamented Apple’s lagging screen size; as Samsung and other Android-powered manufacturers have increased boldly their display specs, Apple has been content to work within the confines of the original iPhone design. While the iPhone 5 finally delivered on a larger screen, it just wasn’t the shape and size that many were expecting. Thus, all of this begs the question: even if the iPhone 6 debuts in 2014 with a 4.7 or 4.8-inch screen, will those display specs be enough to satisfy geekdom - See more at: http://iphone6newsblog.com/#sthash.6rn686sj.dpuf